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Musik & Politik
6. februar 2015 - 20:01

Bob Marley: "Yesterday"

Links om Bob Marley og hans musik / Links on Bob Marley and his music.

 Ja, vi ved godt, at det var "Yesterday", at det var Bob Marleys 70 års fødselsdag. Men det er aldrig for sent at fejre Bob Marley og hans musik. Hør "Yesterdays' Dreams" (YouTube, 3:46 min.).

Yes, we do know, that it was "Yesterday", that was Bob Marley's 70th birthday. But it's never too late to celebrate the life and music of Bob Marley. Listen to "Yesterday's dreams"  (YouTube, 3:46 min).




Artikler på dansk:


Articles etc in English:

Get up, stand up/ Stand up for your rights
Get up, stand up/ Don’t give up the fight

“Get Up, Stand Up,” 1973 (YouTube, 3:18 min.).


Se også/See also:

How the IMF wrecked Jamaica. By Abbie Bakan (Socialist Worker, Issue 2059, 10 July 2007). "Thirty years ago the US and the IMF moved to destabilise Jamaica’s radical government ..."

Don't worry be Happy (YouTube, 4:01 min.).

Mob Marley: It takes a revolution to make a solution

Bob Marley: Revolution (YouTube, 3:12 min.)


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