Joe Hill blev henrettet for 100 år siden, 19. november 1915. / Joe Hill was executed 100 year ago on November 19, 1915.
Den svenskfødte fagforeningsagitator og poet Joe Hill blev henrettet på opdigtet anklage i Salt Lake City for 100 år siden.
Se linksamling (for hans fødedag) 7. oktober 1879 på Modkraft Tidslinjen.
In English:
The Sweedish born union agitator and poet Joe Hill was executed gross miscarriage of justice on November 1915.
See links below and to articles etc. on our Timeline on his day of birth, October 7, 1879.
Some songs by Joe Hill
Billy Bragg - There is Power in The Union (by Joe Hill, 1913)
Ante Blomberg - "Pie in the Sky" "The Preacher and the Slave" (IWW Little Red Song Book) (by Joe Hill, 1910)
Joe Hill's 'The Tramp' played by Cisco Houston
Utah Phillips - Where the Fraser River Flows (by Joe Hill, 1910). Lyrics: Marxists Internet Archive
Casey Jones - Pete Seeger. Lyrics: Marxists Internet Archive ("..shovelling sulphur; That's what you get for scabbing ..")
Cathy Richardson singing the classic Joe Hill song "Rebel Girl". Written by Hill for Elizabeth Gurley Flynn prior to his execution in Salt Lake City in 1915. Lyrics Folk Archive. See on Gurley Flynn: Timeline 5. oktober 1964
Joe Hill by Phil Ochs (, 7:45 min.)
Joe Hill's Last Will by Utah Phillips (YouTube, 3:13 min.)
See also: "Alive As You And Me": The Songs of Joe Hill. By David Cochran (New Politics, November 17, 2015)
I Deamt I Saw Joe Hill Last Night (, app. 3 min.). Lyrics (Union Songs) by Alfred Hayes, Music: Earl Robinson
Versions: (on
Joan Baez (Woodstock, 1969)
Paul Robeson - Robeson singing the famous labor ballad with photo overlay
Pete Seeger - with photo overlay
Bruce Springsteen- "Joe Hill" (Tampa, FL 05/01/14)
By Danish artist Janne Lærkedahl: Joe Hill (kilde: Solidarity Forever, Solidarity Songs, 2011)
In Swedish: Balladen om Joe Hill - Fred Åkerström
Industrial Workers of the World | One Big Union!
International solidarity Commission
Tidslinjen 27. juni 1905 med links om IWW (Modkraft Biblioteket)
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