Links med nekrologer om Fidel Castro, mangeårig cubansk præsident og leder af det cubanske kommunistparti.
Vi har her samlet nogle udvalgte artikler fra den internationale venstrefløjspresse om Fidel Castro og Cuba.
Se også: Fidel Castro og Cuba (Modkraft Biblioteket). Links til sites med historie og baggrund om den cubanske revolution og Castro, samt en række ældre og nyere artikler med venstrefløjens diskussioner af udviklingen i det cubanske samfund. / See also: Fidel Castro and Cuba (Modkraft Library). "We have collected links to sites with history and background on the Cuban Revolution and Castro, and some older and newer articles covering the left wing debates on development in Cuban society."
Fidel Castro (
Fidel Castro (1926–2016). Af Mike Gonzalez (Kritisk Debat, 15. december 2016). "Fidel Castro var en forkæmper for de undertrykte, der ragede højt op, men vi må ikke overse begrænsningerne i den socialisme, han hjalp med til at opbygge."
Fidel Castro er død. Af Dave Kellaway (Socialistisk Information, 9. december 2016). "Overordnet var Fidel på vores side, og han vaklede aldrig i sin modstand mod USAs imperialisme."
Helt, skurk eller blot lydtapet. Af Jens Lohmann (, 28. november 2016). "Fidel Castro gav cubanerne selvbevidsthed, men mislykkedes med sin utopiske drøm, som skabte håb for mange, men også desillusion og undertrykkelse."
Fidel Castro vil blive savnet i hele verden: Farvel Fidel og tak. Af Sven-Erik Simonsen (, 26. november 2016). "Han kæmpede hele livet og sætter et uudsletteligt minde."
Internationell vänsterpress om Fidel Castro (pdf) (, 9. december 2016, 26 s.). "Fem artiklar om Fidel och den kubanska revolutionen."
Vänsterpress om Fidel Castro (pdf) (, 3. december 2016, 18 s.). "Vi har här samlat artiklar från den svenska vänsterpressen som på olika sätt försöker göra bokslut över Fidel och hans verk. "
Death and state funeral of Fidel Castro + Fidel Castro (
Fidel Castro, Cuba and socialism. By Andy Brown (Socialist Review, Issue 420, January 2017). "A Marxist analysis of Castro’s Cuba must examine the material reality of the regime and its political and economic relations."
Why I parted ways with Fidel Castro (, December 6, 2016). "Miguelangel Gonzalez explains what caused him to re-evaluate his attitude toward Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution."
An icon, but not a model (Weekly Worker, Issue 1133, 1 December 2016). "Revolutionary, dictator - or both? Paul Demarty remembers Fidel Castro."
Fidel Castro (1926-2016): A page turns. By François Sabado (International Viewpoint, Issue 502, November 2016. "We must imagine the world at the time: the Cold War in full swing and Stalinism freezing the international workers’ movement. The Cuban revolution would unblock this situation by creating a new hope."
Fidel Castro has died - the Cuban revolution must live! By Jorge Martín (In Defence of Marxism, 28 November 2016). "Fidel was a symbol of the Cuban revolution, of standing up to imperialism, of guaranteeing good quality healthcare and education for all."
After surviving 600 assassination attempts & outlasting 11 U.S. Presidents, Fidel Castro dies at 90 (Democracy Now! November 28, 2016). "We host a roundtable discussion on the life and legacy of Cuban revolutionary leader and former President Fidel Castro."
The political legacy of Fidel Castro. By Bill Van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 28 November 2016). "Castro was representative of a broader bourgeois-nationalist and anti-imperialist movement that swept the colonial and oppressed countries in the post-World War II period ..."
Was there an alternative to Fidel Castro’s “Stalinism”? By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, November 27, 2016). "I was shocked by the vehemence that exceeded anything that Sam Farber or Mike Gonzalez wrote for the occasion ..."
Fidel Castro (1926–2016). By Mike Gonzalez (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, November 27, 2016). "Fidel Castro was a towering champion of the oppressed, but we shouldn’t ignore the limits of the socialism he helped build." Also online at Jacobin (November 27) + (November 30).
Fidel dies. By Dave Kellaway (Socialist Resistance, November 27, 2016)."Fidel overall was on our side and never wavered in his resistance to US imperialism." Also online at International Viewpoint (27 November).
Fidel Castro, 1926-2016. By Dave Stockton (League for the Fifth International, 27 November 2016). "For socialists it will be a time for reappraising not only Castro’s contribution to the epoch of wars and revolutions, but of the whole history of US imperialism in Latin America ..."
Fidel Castro — no hero of ours. By Pablo Velasco (Workers' Liberty, 27 November, 2016). "Among sections of the left there is near-hysterical outpouring of eulogy, while bourgeois commentators blithely dismiss him as a communist despot. A third camp socialist assessment ... is needed."
Fidel Castro on the fight to defend Cuba’s socialist revolution (Marxist Essays and Commentary, November 27, 2016). "Introductory note by Mike Taber + three short excerpts by him from 1961, at the time of the U.S.-organized invasion at the Bay of Pigs."
The many shades of Fidel Castro. By Sujatha Fernandes (NACLA: Reporting on the Americas, 27 November 2016) + Fidel Castro: A life and death - in context, by Louis A Pérez, Jr. (29 November) + Finally, again: Miami before Trump and after Castro, by Bianca Premo (30 November) + Cubans remember Fidel, by Elizabeth Dore (1 December).
Fidel Castro (1926-2016). By Samuel Farber (In These Times, November 26, 2016). "A major feature of Fidel Castro’s 47-year-old rule was his manipulation of popular support and the creation of a political system that does not hesitate to use repression, and not only against class enemies, to cement its power." Also online at (November 30, 2016).
Fidel Castro 1926-2016. By Dave Sewell (Socialist Worker, Issue 2532, 26 November 2016). "History must judge him both as the freedom fighter whose defiance humiliated US imperialism and as the ruler of a repressive, unequal society."
Fidel Castro obituary: revolutionary icon finally defeated by infirmity of old age. By Richard Gott (The Guardian, November 26, 2016). "Charismatic leader of the revolution and president of Cuba who bestrode the world stage for half a century."
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