Opdateret linkbox (især nogle engelsksprogede fra 2015) med anmeldelser, artikler og interviews om Naomi Kleins bog om den globale opvarmning og kapitalismen.
Naomi Klein: Intet bliver som før: kapitalisme vs. klima (Klim, 2014, 564 sider).
"Klein blotlægger den ideologiske desperation hos klimabenægterne, de skruppelløse vildfarelser blandt geoingeniører og de tragiske nederlag for alt for mange grønne strategier. Og hun viser uhyre præcist, hvorfor det frie marked og globaliseringen ikke har kunnet – og ikke kan – overvinde klimakrisen, men i stedet gør ondt værre med stadig mere ekstreme udvindinger i følgeskab med uhæmmet katastrofekapitalisme." Se også engelske udgave: This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs Climate (Alfred A. Knopf, 2014). Online på Archive.org.
This Changes Everything. Bogens site.
Naomi Klein (Wikipedia.dk). Og større på engelsk.
Den forandrede verden ændrer alt. Af Anders Bjerre Mikkelsen (20. maj 2015).
"Naomi Klein er ikke marxist, men forlader ikke desto mindre med denne bog sin tro på, at kapitalismen kan reformeres, således at den kan redde os fra den globale opvarmning. Det gør hun efter en grundig og omfattende research."
Kun chokterapi kan kurere kloden. Af Lars Trier Mogensen (18. november 2014).
Superstjerne-forfatteren Naomi Klein opfordrer til et verdensomspændende oprør fra neden i sit nye slagordsmanifest, som anviser en radikal vej mod klodens frelse ... Et lettilgængeligt murstensværk, som kan blive en tiltrængt trædesten for en skarpere og mere polemisk klimakamp."
’Vi har prøvet på jeres måde, og vi kan ikke spilde endnu et årti’. Af Suzanne Goldenberg (20. september 2014). Interview med Naomi Klein fra The Guardian.
"Kampen for at redde klodens klima er nødt til at være et opgør med selve kapitalismen, siger Naomi Klein, der har overvundet sin fortvivlelse efter COP15 i København. I sin tredje bog forsøger hun at sætte gang i opgøret."
Kritisk Debat
Ændrer dette virkelig alt? Af Michael Brie (15. april 2015).
"... bogens budskab [er] først og fremmest henvendt til middelklassen i det globale nord: Kun ud fra et komfortabelt ståsted, hvor man ikke trues af død og fordrivelse, er klimaproblematikken virkeligt den "mest omfattende" krise. Brie anbefaler dog stærkt bogen til læsning for venstrefløjen ..."
System change, not climate change. Af Klaus Krogsbæk (3. november 2014).
"I sin nye bog påpeger Naomi Klein — aktivist, journalist og forfatter, at vi er blevet fortalt, at markedet vil redde os, men i virkeligheden forværres problemerne dagligt af jagten på profit og vækst."
Naomi Klein har udgivet årets vigtigste bog. Af Mogens Petersen (17. december 2014).
"Selv om en bog ikke i sig selv kan ændre verden, så skal der alligevel lyde en opfordring: Læs eller giv Naomi Kleins bog 'Intet bliver som før' i julegave."
Klimakamp er den bedste chance for et mere retfærdigt økonomisk system. Agnès Rousseaux og Sophie Chapelle interviewer Naomi Klein (12. maj 2015).
"En stærk fløj i den grønne bevægelse tror stadig, at de nok skal finde en vej frem, som ikke støder magthaverne. Jeg mener ærligt talt, at det er en dårlig strategi, siger Naomi Klein."
Naomi Klein er en mesterlig journatist med banale teser. Af Rune Lykkeberg (27. november 2014).
"Det store problem ved bogen er, at Klein ikke forbinder de forskellige protestbevægelser i et egentligt program. Hun er imod kapitalismen som sådan, men hun har ingen forslag til en anden økonomisk orden."
Socialistisk Information
Stærk bog om klimakrisens revolutionære potentiale. Af Daniel Tanuro (30. november 2014).
"Klimakrisen forandrer alt — og Naomi Klein leverer trods visse uklarheder et vigtigt bidrag til kampen for, at forandringen bliver til det bedre.". Også online på Modkraft.dk (17. december 2014).
Strøtanker om bæredygtighed
Kapitalismen versus klimaet. Af Naomi Klein (21. december 2011). Oversat artikel fra The Nation.
"I den artikel ... udfolder hun dette tema. Ikke som den kølige iagttager, men som den passionerede anbefaler af enhed mellem alle kræfter, som støtter kampen for civilisationens fortsættelse og dens forudsætning: den nødvendige kamp mod de korporative kræfters overtagelse af samfundsøkonomien."
Alt skal forandres. Af Anne-Louise Stranne Petersen (nr.39, 26. september 2014). Artiklen er p.t. ikke online.
"En af den amerikanske venstrefløjs yndlinge udpeger kapitalismen som klimaets fjende og tager kampen op ... Under alle omstændigheder er det en vanvittig vigtig bog, Klein har skrevet ..."
Against the Current
How much does climate change change? By Janice Cox and Michael Gasser (Issue 174, January-February 2015).
"The book has major flaws and omissions, but it introduces a conversation about capitalism to a mainstream audience. We on the left must intervene in this conversation in a way that exposes capitalist relations and opens the possibility for their destruction."
Naomi Klein on the great clash between capitalism and the climate (September 16, 2014).
"AlterNet editors Don Hazen and Jan Frel spoke with Klein via phone in Canada, where she lives, prior to her traveling to New York and participating in a wide range of protest events, debates and discussions."
Climate & Capitalism
Naomi Klein: ‘Only mass social movements can save us’ (October 19, 2014).
"John Riddell reviews the book — a rich resource of fact and argument that every climate justice activist should read, use and share."
Review by Elaine Graham-Leigh (December 4, 2014).
"Having established the size and importance of the general task, Klein is less clear about the specifics of what we need to be fighting for. If you are looking for a coherent plan of campaign, you will not find that here."
Overlooking the Obvious With Naomi Klein. By Craig Collins (October 17-19, 2014).
"But despite her insightful and inspirational treatment of the climate movement’s potential to change everything, I believe Klein over-states her case and overlooks crucial features of the dangerously dysfunctional system we’re up against."
Democracy Now!
Capitalism vs. the Climate: Naomi Klein on need for new economic model to address ecological crisis (September 18, 2014).
"We speak to award-winning author Naomi Klein about her new book'. Klein details how our neoliberal economic system and our planetary system are now at war." Video + text.
Green Left Weekly
Capitalism is failing the planet. By Gemma Weedall (Issue 1034, November 24, 2014).
"In Naomi Klein’s new book, she asserts that climate change is not just a disaster but also a one-of-a-kind opportunity that can serve as a wake-up call for widespread democratic action."
The Guardian
Climate change is the fight of our lives – yet we can hardly bear to look at it. By Naomi Klein (23 April 2014).
"We're products of an industrial project, a project linked to fossil fuels. But humans have changed before and can change again."
Human Geography
Capitalism vs. the climate: An interview with Naomi Klein (The full version of this interview will appear in Vol.8, No.1, 2015).
"During the course of our hour-long conversation I asked her about her seemingly disproportional optimism, about the recent US-China bilateral agreement to reduce carbon emissions, about several key gaps in her analysis, about the politicization of science, and about writing on science and policy as an “activist journalist” (her term)."
In These Times
Naomi Klein’s climate manifesto. By Matthew Rothschild (September 19, 2014).
"In This Changes Everything, she not only synthesizes the science on global climate change in accessible language and highlights the horrific hazards. She also gets right to the roots of the crisis, and then tells us what needs to be done about it."
5 crucial lessons for the left from Naomi Klein’s new book. By Jessica Corbett and Ethan Corey (August 21, 2014)
"This Changes Everything is well worth a read (or two) in full, but we’ve distilled some of its key points here."
The Indypendent
Naomi Klein on capitalism vs. the climate (September 12, 2014).
"Naomi Klein's new book, arguing that we can't solve climate change without getting rid of capitalism, is getting major media attention. Here she explains the basics of her view."
International Socialism
Change the world, not the climate. By Camilla Royale (Issue 145, Winter 2015).
"To be clear, criticising aspects of the book from a Marxist perspective is not the same as arguing for ideological purity within the environmental movement, or that we should denigrate Klein as not revolutionary enough."
International Socialist Review
No more magical thinking. By Michael Ware (Issue 96, Spring 2015).
"On closer examination, the Keynesian solutions Klein poses, like 'Scandinavian-style Social Democracy', sometimes contradict her 'change the system' message in other parts of the book."
Jacobin: Reason in Revolt
Naomi Klein and the Left (11 December 2015). A Jacobin symposium: "we hope that ... our comments on Klein’s book will serve as a reminder that we cannot talk about climate change without also talking about capitalism." Contributions:
How to change everything, by Alyssa Battistoni.
The urban green wars, by Daniel Aldana Cohen.
What comes after Capitalism?, by Trish Kahle.
When history knocks. By Sam Gindin (30 December 2014).
"Naomi Klein rightly blames capitalism for climate change. But she doesn’t go far enough."
Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
Review by Nathan Wood (3 April 2015).
"Given the positive elements of this book, it is important to note that it does not represent a Marxist critique of capitalism."
Monthly Review
Crossing the river: The liberal attack on Naomi Klein's ... By John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark (Vol.66, No.9, February 2015).
"These establishment criticisms of her work, we will demonstrate, are disingenuous, having little to do with serious confrontation with her analysis."
The Nation
Capitalism vs. the Climate. By Naomi Klein (November 28, 2011).
"Denialists are dead wrong about the science. But they understand something the left still doesn’t get about the revolutionary meaning of climate change."
The North Star
Naomi Klein, Jodi Dean and the debate over “Green Keynesianism”. By Louis Proyect (April 8, 2015).
"It might be apparent at this point that the comradely debate around “This Changes Everything” goes to the heart of questions of reform versus revolution that have dogged the left since the days of Karl Marx."
Jodi Dean critique of Naomi Klein (and Green politics?) (March 27, 2015).
"Klein’s sense of “everything” is limited by the absence of a communist alternative."
Socialist Alternative
Review by Bill Hopwood (October 1, 2014).
"While Naomi Klein is excellent at critiquing capitalism, especially neo-liberalism, at times it is unclear what she means by capitalism, is it only neo-liberalism, all capitalism or is it something wider which she calls extractivism."
Socialist Review
Review by Alan Gibson (November 2014).
"But although she salutes historical examples of workers’ struggle, the one source of power that can most guarantee that change is carried out democratically — the working class — is missing from Klein’s force to destroy what isn’t just a nasty industry with its flag-wavers and ideological covering, but capitalism, root and branch."
The next wave of climate debate. By Paul Vernadsk (Issue 340, 15 October 2014).
"The book is however limited both on structure and agency. Klein does not have a Marxist conception of capitalism. defined as the exploitation of wage labour by capital. She does not expose the deep structures within capitalism that simultaneously lead to the exploitation of waged workers (and the market coercion of other exploited groups such as peasants and the self-employed) alongside environmental degradation. As a result she does not articulate a socialist alternative to capitalism."
Climate crisis, the deindustrialization imperative and the jobs vs. environment dilemma. By Richard Smith (12 November 2014).
"Klein presents a devastating critique of capitalism. But for all of that, it's not clear that she has an alternative to capitalism. Since she doesn't call for "system change" to, say, eco-socialism, it's hard to see how we can make the profound, radical changes she says we need to make to prevent ecological collapse."
Naomi Klein: »Det gælder om at opretholde presset« . Interview ved Marcus Rubin (Politiken, 8. november 2015).
"Naomi Klein har raset mod markedskapitalismens bagside i 15 år. Nu har hun kastet sig over klimakampen." I anledning af dokumentarfilmen ’Intet bliver som før’, dansk premiere 2015.
Linkboxen Naomi Klein og katastrofekapitalismen (Chokdoktrinen) (Modkraft Biblioteket).
Linkboxen 'No Logo': De multinationale og sweatshop-industrien (Modkraft Biblioteket).
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