9/11 and imperialism since 2001.
Den 11. september 2001 blev World Trade Center i New York udsat for et omfattende terrorangreb. Her har vi samlet en række artikler og sites, som diskuterer terrorangrebet og konsekvenserne. Selve terrorangrebet på WTC bliver behandlet i Appendix 2.
Linkboxen 9/11: Imperialisme og terror efter 11. september
Der er to tillæg (appendix) til linksamlingen:
Appendix 2: Konspiration og 11. september. Siden terrorangrebene på World Trade Center 11. september 2001 har konspirations-teorierne floreret med påstande om, at den amerikanske regering helt eller delvis stod bag angrebene. Derfor denne samling af links med baggrund, analyser, kritik og polemik.
Appendix 1: Marxism & Terrorism - om marxisters holdning til terror og terrorisme.
9/1 2001 World Trade Center in New York was under terror attack. We have collected links to articles and sites, which subjects are the attack and its consequences . Links on the attack itself are in appendix 2.
Linkbox: 9/11 - Imperialism and terror after 9/11 2001.
There are two appendixes:
Appendix 1: Marxism & Terrorism - Marxists on terror and terrorism.
Appendix 2: Conspiracies and 9/11. Since 9/11 theories on conspiracies has blussomed. This collection is on background, analysis, critics and polemics on the theories of conspiracies.
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