Personliste om den britiske revolutionære socialist Duncan Hallas, født i Manchester 23. december 1925, og død 19. september 2002.
Duncan Hallas var ledende medlem af det britiske International Socialist / Socialist Workers Party.
Personlisten er udarbejdet i anledning af, at vor kære med- og billedredaktør Jørgen Lund er fyldt 65 år - tillykke med det. Der skulle eksistere et billede af Jørgen Lund sammen med Duncan Hallas, men det er desværre ikke lykkedes at grave det frem. Derfor må I nøjes med et billede, som Bibliotekets grafiker har bikset sammen, som situationen kunne have set ud. Desværre var billedudvalget temmeligt lille, af Duncan Hallas faktisk kun ét.
Bjarne A. Frandsen & Poul Mikael Allarp, 24. august 2013
- Tony Cliff (1917-2000) , incl. Tony Cliff Bibliography by Ian Birchall
- Chris Harman (1942-2009)
Duncan Hallas (
Duncan Hallas, 1925-2002 (Marxists Internet Archive). With Biography and Works 1951-2001 (4 books / pamphlets + 134 articles).
Duncan Hallas (Marxisme Online). Hallas online på dansk, bl.a. 3 bøger/pjecer.
Duncan Hallas; Party and Class. By Dave Renton (Lives; Running, 12 June 2013). "It was not just how he spoke, but what he spoke about, the ease with which Duncan would pass from the ancient Assyrians to the Oriental Mode of Production, from the class forces beneath the fall of the Roman Empire to the history of the international labour movement, Marxian economics, historical materialism and philosophy."
Duncan Hallas: a fighter for real socialism. By Vashti Kenway (Socialist Alternative, Issue 111, December 2006-January 2007). “Duncan Hallas was an outstanding figure in the Marxist movement. He was an active revolutionary for 61 years and helped forge a path for genuine Marxist politics.”
Duncan Hallas: death of a Trotskyist. By Nigel Harris (Revolutionary History, Vol.8, No.4, 2004, p.259-272). With response from Ian Birchall (p.272-275). “Duncan Hallas is dead. Like most of us, he will not be remembered outside a small coterie of friends and comrades. But he was in many ways a man of remarkable talents whom it was a privilege to know. He was made - or made himself - for the great events of history, but history did not call him.”
Duncan Hallas: an agigator of the best kind. By Chanie Rosenberg, Frank Henderson and Ian Birchall (Socialist Review, November 2002). “'Duncan was modest about his outstanding abilities' - 'He built a movement and armed it with theory' - 'Duncan had an astonishing range of knowledge' ”
Duncan Hallas: thinker, orator, revolutionary. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Review, October 2002). “Duncan was deeply rooted in the Trotskyist and the broader Marxist tradition. But he was also a man of very wide culture. A voracious reader, he was particularly knowledgeable about history, archaeology and anthropology.”
Duncan Hallas. By Jim Higgins (The Guardian, 30 September 2002). “Duncan Hallas, who has died aged 76, was one of those who came to Trotskyism during the second world war. Of this number, there were some exceptionally talented people, and Duncan was among the best of them.”
Duncan Hallas 1925-2002. By Chris Harman (Socialist Worker, Issue 1819, 28 September 2002). “Year after year he would fill halls with hundreds of people at the SWP's annual Marxism event as he spoke about a range of topics - historical materialism, the struggle of the working class in Britain, the revolutionary tradition, the origins of humanity.”
Introduktion til Lenin: 'Venstre'-kommunismen - en børnesygdom. Af Duncan Hallas (I: Lenin: "Left Wing" Communism, Bookmarks, 1993; online på
Marx’ vej til marxismen. Af Duncan Hallas ( Artiklen er baseret på et oplæg på Marxism 85 i London, og er oversat i marts 1993 fra Socialist Worker Review (No.81, November 1985, p.17-19).
The Comintern. By Duncan Hallas (Booksmarks, 1985, 182 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). De første tre kapitler findes som udkast i artikelform fra 1974-75 på Marxisme Online: Den kommunistiske Internationale grundlægges + Massepartier og enhedsfronten + Den kommunistiske internationale og enhedsfronten. Review: The school of revolution. By Chris Bambery (Socialist Worker Review, No.78, July-August 1985, p.14-15).
Agitation og propaganda. Af Duncan Hallas ( Trykt med titlen 'Agitation and propaganda' i serien What do we mean by ...? (Socialist Worker Review, No.68, September 1984, p.10).
Trotsky’s Marxism. By Duncan Hallas (Pluto Press, 1979, 122 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “The best overall treatment of the strengths and weaknesses of Trotsky's thought.” Det afsluttende kapitel 5, Arven, er online på Review: Trotsky and the fight for socialism. By Lee Sustar (, July 18, 2003).
Trotskij og den arv han efterlod (1974). Af Duncan Hallas ( Tidligere trykt i Arbejdermagt (nr. 45, april 1984, s.27-32).
1972 er ikke 1917 - på vej mod det revolutionære parti. Af Duncan Hallas. I: Det revolutionære parti, arbejderklassen og smågrupperne (Politisk Revys hæfter, nr.3, 1972, s.31-54; online på Tidligere trykt i Politisk Revy (nr.200, 30. juni 1972, s.18-21).
Duncan Hallas Audio Archive, 1983-1998 (Marxists Internet Archive).
Duncan Hallas Video (Vimeo).
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