Kom til støttecafé til AK's fredagsbar og hør mere om om Amadiba Crisis Committee, der kæmper imod et internationalt mineselskab med livet som indsats! Nonhle Mbuthuma, en aktivist fra Amadiba Crisis Committee, er døgnet rundt i fare for at blive myrdet af lejemordere på grund af hendes forsvar af hendes folks land. Indtil videre er hun og den anden leder af ACC blevet beskyttet af livvagter, men fra slutningen af September løber de tør for penge til livvagterne.
”This struggle is very expensive. Because the life of a person, there is no spare. Once it's gone, it's gone. But in matters like this, it doesn't mean that you can give up. I'm on the hitlist, I can be killed any time any day, and I don't know - and I don't care. As long as I die for the right thing,” sagde Nonhle, da hun mødte AK's aktivister for et par uger siden.
De vil over en øl fortælle mere om, hvordan vi kan sørge for, at Nonhle får lov til at leve videre og fortsætte hendes vigtige kamp. Der vil blive vist en kort film og der vil være en lille auktion til fordel for indsamlingen til livvagter - hvilket overskuddet fra baren også vil gå til.
Kom og støt op om en af de sejeste aktivister vi nogensinde har mødt, i en vigtig kamp for lokalsamfundets ret til deres egen jord og deres eget livsgrundlag, imod australske mineselskaber og korrupte embedsmænd!
Hvis du vil læse mere om Amadiba Crisis Committee og Nonhle's kamp kan du gøre det her.
Join our support café for at AK's friday bar and hear more about Amadiba Crisis Committee, who are fighting against an international mining company under the constant threat of being killed! Nonhle Mbuthuma, an activist from Amadiba Crisis Comittee is in constant danger of being murdered by hitmen because of her resistance against the mining of her ancestral land. So far, Nonhle and the other leader of the ACC has been protected by bodyguards, but they are running out of funding from the end of September.
”This struggle is very expensive. Because the life of a person, there is no spare. Once it's gone, it's gone. But in matters like this, it doesn't mean that you can give up. I'm on the hitlist, I can be killed any time any day, and I don't know - and I don't care. As long as I die for the right thing,” said Nonhle when she met AK's activists a couple of weeks ago.
They will, over a beer, tell more about how we can make sure that Nonhle lives on to continue her important strugge. There will be a short movie screening and a little auction will be held to raise funds for the bodyguards – the surplus from the bar will also go to the ACC.
Come support one of the most hardcore activists we've ever met, for the community's right to their own land and their own livelihood, against Australian mining companies and corrupt state officials!
If you want to read more about Amadiba Crisis Committee and Nonhle's fight in English, you can read it here.