For english see below..
I anledningen af Kvindernes Internationale Kampdag gentager G37 de sidste års succeser, og inviterer til fest og performances i Kvindehuset lørdag d.7 Marts. Ingen revolution uden dans; så kom og dans og find inspiration til søndagens revolutionære aktiviteter.
Aftenen vil byde på performances, live musik, DJ's og billig bar.
Vi arbejder hårdt på at skaffe jer de svedigste nye og gamle queerfeministiske performere, Dj's m.m. Så hvis du brænder inde med en performance, en sang, en tale eller lign, eller bare gerne vil have en barvagt og gratis entre, kan du skrive til:
Foreløbigt Program - flere acts og tider TBA:
-Oplæg og debat om forskellige positioneringer i fht. brug af dildo indenfor lesbisk kultur, v. Sofie Veholm.
-Fællessang v. G37
-Live protest musik v. Følsom Front (queerfeministisk og anti-nationalistisk dansktop)
-If I Cant Dance
-G37 Dj eksperimentet
-lille a
Entre: 30-70 kr hele natten.
Festen henvender sig til transpersoner, lesbiske, bi- og heteroseksuelle kvinder.
Husk kontanter, vi tager ikke kort!!
English version:
In celebration of the International Women's day G37 will repeat the last year's of success and invite you to a massive party and performance night at the Copenhagen Women's House saturday the of March. No revolution without dancing; so come and join the dancing and find inspiration for the revolutionary activities of the following 8th of March.
The Party will offer performances, live music, Dj's and a cheap bar.
We are working hard to get you the most amazing new and old queerfeminist performers, Dj's and more.. So if you have a song, a speech, a dance or anything else you would like to perform, or if you just want a shift in the bar and free entrance you can write to:
The program so far – more acts and the times TBA:
-Presentation and debate on positionings I relation to the use of dildos within lesbian culture, by Sofie Veholm.
-Collective singing by G37
-Live protest music by Følsom Front (The Emotional Backpack).
And more..
-If I Cant Dance
-The G37 Dj eksperiment
-lille a (little a)
And more...
Entrance: 30-70 kr. All night.
The party is a separatist event for all transpeople, lesbians, bi, poly and heterosexual women.
Remember we dont take cards so bring cash!