Links om den ukrainske anarkist/Links on the Ukrainian anarchist.
Den ukrainske anarkist Nestor Makhno var leder af Ukraines Nationale Oprørshær, og flygtede i 1921 efter nederlag til Bolsjevikkerne. Han døde i eksil i Paris.
Se links på Tidslinjen 6. juli 1934 til leksika, sites, artikler og videoer
The Ukrainian anarchist Nestor Makhno was the leader for the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine, and escaped after the defeat to the Bolsheviks. He died in Paris in exile.
See links on Timeline July 6, 1934, to encyclopedias, sites, articles and videos
Se også/see also:
Linkbox: Anarkisme vs. Marxisme ( Links in Danish & English: Encyclopedias, sites, articles, videos on the debate.
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