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13. december 2013 - 21:46

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)

  • Links om Nelson Mandela og ANCs historie + nekrologer.

Links on Nelson Mandela and the history of ANC, plus links to obituaries.



Se links om Nelson Mandelas liv og ANC på Modkraft Tidslinjen 12. juni 1964, datoen for livstidsstraf til Mandela, og hvor der også er links til ANC's historie fra dannelsen i 1912 til Marikana-massakren på minearbejdere i 2012.  Og Facebook-begivenhed Vi mindes MandelaNytorv i København den 16. december kl. 16.00.

See links on the life of Nelson Mandela and the ANC on Modkraft Timeline June 12, 1964, the date of the sentence of imprisonment for life - and where you will find links to the ANC history from the foundation in 1912 til the massacre on the Marikana miners in 2012.



Free Nelson Mandela (3 versions:) 1) 1984-hit with The Special AKA (YouTube, 4:59 min.) - - Lyrics + 2) 1988 Mandela 70th Birthday: Special AKA live on the Tube feat Elvis Costello, AWakeling  & Ranking ... (YouTube, 5:43 min.) + 3) Mandela 90th Birthday Tribute in Hyde Park, June 2008: Amy Winehouse (YouTube; 5:36 min.)


  • Vi mindes Mandela: Mindearrangement ser fremad (Afrika Kontakt, 16. december 2013). Med taler af Mohamed Sidati, Polisario, Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (Vestsahara) [in english]; Gorm Gunnarsen, historiker, anti-aparheidsaktivist og Mogens Lykketoft, formand for Folketinget.
  • Ingen krokodilletårer for Nelson Mandela. Af Slavoj Žižek (, 11. december 2013). "Vi kan roligt regne med, at Mandela også døde som en bitter gammel mand – vel vidende, at han ikke for alvor havde udfordret magten."
  • Nelson Mandela blev stemplet som terrorist. Af Ulla Jessing (, 9. december 2013). " Verden må lære af sine fejltagelser og må stoppe med at sætte frihedskæmpere på terroristlister."
  • Tanker ved Mandelas død: Æres den, der æres bør! Af Torkil Lauesen (Modkraft/Kontradoxa, 9. december 2013). "I modsætning til Vesten ydede Cuba nemlig et aktivt og væbnet bidrag til det racistiske mindretalsstyres fald."
  • Nelson Mandela - et strejftog gennem hans liv og kamp. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 8. december 2013). "Nelson Mandela efterlader en enorm moralsk arv, som hans efterfølgere i ANCs korrupte top på ingen måde kan løfte."
  •  Terroristen Mandela. Af Søren Søndergaard (Modkraft/Blog, 8 december 2013). "ANC havde stået på EU’s terrorliste, hvis den havde eksisteret dengang."
  • Antiapartheid-aktivister: Borgerlige politikere er hyklere.  Af Morten Nielsen (Afrika Kontakt, 6. december 2013). "Det er topmålet af hykleri når flere borgerlige i dag lovpriser Nelsom Mandela. Den borgerlige fløj var jo mod handesrestriktioner mod det hvide apartheidstyre, som Mandela ønskede indført".
  • R.I.P. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. Af John Molyneux (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 333, 6. december 2013). "[Intet] ændrer det faktum, at Nelson Mandela, på trods af de politiske svagheder, efterlod verden som et bedre sted."
  • Mandelas død er også den globale centrum-venstrefløjs endeligt. Af Brian Espensen (, 6. december 2013). "I dag hyldes Mandela med den største selvfølgelighed, men man skal ikke bladre mange sider tilbage i historiebøgerne før det forholdt sig fundamentalt anderledes."
  • Den danske højrefløj har haft det svært med Mandela. Af Flemming Ytzen (, 6. december 2013). "Megen hyldest til frihedshelten, men danske borgerlige levede fint med apartheid."
  • Sydafrikas sjæl er borte (Afrika Kontakt, 5. december 2013). "Mandela vil leve videre som inspiration og symbol for undertrykte mennesker i hele verden."
  • Tema: Nelson Mandela (, 5. december 2013): En stor humanist er død - Mandelas plads i historien.
  • Mandelas plads i det sydafrikanske "mirakel". Af Hans Erik Stolten (, 5. december 2013). "Historien, personligheden og organisationen."
  • "Vi har allerede gennemlevet Mandelas død". Af Malin Schmidt (, 22. juni 2013). "Nelson Mandela ligger for døden. Igen. Og atter vokser myten om ham."
  • Tidsdoku. Nelson Mandela - et strejftog gennem hans liv og kamp (Autonom Infoservice, 5. december 2016)

Obituaries etc.:

Madiba From A to Z: The Many Faces of Nelson Mandela - See more at:
Madiba From A to Z: The Many Faces of Nelson Mandela - See more at:
  • Madiba From A to Z: The Many Faces of Nelson Mandela. By Alexander Wieder (Counterfire, 9 January 2014). Review of Danny Schechter's book (Seven Stories Press, 2014, 272 p.)
  •  Nelson Mandela's long march. By Aswin Desai (Against the Current, Issue 168, January-February 2014). "Often written out of [the] story are the sustained rebellions by millions of South Africans that were to lead to Mandela’s release from prison."
  • A life shaped by the struggle (, December 19, 2013). "David Whitehouse describes the political experiences and influences that shaped Nelson Mandela from the opening years of his engagement in the struggle."
  •  Why Mandela’s Communist Party membership is important. By Martin Plaut (New Statesman, 10 December 2013). "As we mourn Mandela’s death we should not forget and acknowledge the role that communists played in befriending and influencing this great man."
  • Mandela: He was a bourgeois hero (Weekly Worker, Issue 990, December 6, 2013). "South African Marxist Hillel Ticktin discusses the role of Nelson Mandela."
  • Mandela: Creation of a cult. By Peter Manson (Weekly Worker, Issue 990, December 6, 2013). "How should communists react to the almost universal adulation throughout the bourgeois media for Nelson mandela ...?"
  • Nelson Mandela 1918-2013. By Robert Fine (Workers' Liberty, 6 December 2013). "Mandela was a human being and despite all the efforts to sanctify him we do him no honour to subsume his politics or indeed his patrician personal peculiarities ..."
  • Amandla! Tribute to Nelson Mandela. By Brian Ashley (Solidarity, December 6, 2013). "The negotiated settlement that brought about democratic SA on the basis of one person one vote will be regarded as Mandela’s greatest achievement."
  • A dissenting opinion on Nelson Mandela. By Jonathan Cook (Jonathan Cook: the Blog from Nazareth, 6 December 2013). "In my view, Mandela suffered a double tragedy in his post-prison years."
  • SACP statement on the passing away of Madiba (Umsebenzi Online, Vol.12, No.43, 6 December 2013). "
    At his arrest in August 1962, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the then underground South African Communist Party, but was also a member of our Party’s Central Committee. - See more at:
    At his arrest in August 1962, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the then underground South African Communist Party, but was also a member of our Party’s Central Committee - See more at:
    ... in August 1962, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the underground South African Communist Party, but also a member of our Party's Central Committee."
    SACP statement on the passing away of Madiba
    SACP statement on the passing away of Madiba
  • Nelson Mandela. By J. Moufawad-Paul (M-L-M Mayhem!, 6 December 2013). "It is somewhat ironic to read all of the liberal media obituaries that are praising Nelson Mandela when, at the height of the anti-apartheid struggle, many of these same media sites were castigating the ANC for its violence and supporting apartheid."
  • Former South African President Nelson Mandela dies. By Patrick O'Connor (World Socialist Web Site, 6 December 2013) "... he died right at the point where social and political tensions in South Africa have reached a boiling point."
  • - See more at:
    Who was Nelson Mandela? By Neil Faulkner (Counterfire, 5 December 2013).
    We should treasure the memory of the Mandela our rulers hated - See more at:
     "We should tresure the memory of the Mandela our rulers hated ..."
  • Mandela's years in power: Was he pushed or did he jump? By Patrick Bond (Links, December 5, 2013). "... how did he change Africa ... how much room was there for maneuvre?". Also online at When Mandela was president (December 9, 2013)
  • Nelson Mandela 1918-2013. By Charlie Kimber (Socialist Worker, Issue 2382, 5 December 2013). "... inspired millions of people acrosss the world."
  • Nelsom Mandela - an African nationalist. By Norman Traub (Socialist Resistance, December 5, 2013). "He and the leadership of the ANC however, could no longer hide when in government, that their class interests were opposed to those of the mass of workers."
‘Hang Nelson Mandela’-plakat fra 1980erne, udgivet af Federation of Conservative Students – de britiske konservatives studenter-organisation
The story behind the poster on:
Illustration from: BLACK PROVOS – THE ANC AND THE IRA -

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