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Kold krig i USA
17. juni 2013 - 23:14

McCarthyismen / McCarthyism

Antikommunismen i USA under den kolde krig. / Anti-communism in USA during the cold war.

Indhold / Content

Artikler på dansk

Articles in English

Sites and encyclopedia's

See also: Rosenberg-sagen / The Rosenberg Case

& Tidslinjen/Timeline  25. november 1947 om The Hollywood Ten 


Artikler på dansk 

- McCarthyisme (
McCarthyismen (
Mccarthyisme (


Articles in English

International Socialist Review
- Joe Allen: Dress rehearsal for McCarthyism (Issue 57, January–February 2008). Review of Shirley A. Wiegand and Wayne A. Wiegand’s Books on Trial: Red Scare in the Heartland (2007)
- William Keach: Rehabilitating McCarthyism (Issue 12, June-July 2000)
"... We must stand up against all those who promote it, apologize for it, concede to it in any way."

The Nation
- Victor Navasky: Cold war ghosts (July 16, 2001)
Review article of a number of books about the cold war and McCarthyism.

New Politics
- Julius Jacobson: Revising the history of cold war Liberals (No. 28, Winter 2000). Review of Ellen Schrecker’s book: Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America (1998)
"Her analysis of Communism and anti-Communism, of the American Communist Party and those who opposed it, is simplistic, inconsistent and contradictory, at odds with reality, drawing conclusions that are politically libelous."

World Socialist Web Site
- Charles Bogle: Hollywood on Trial: a timely reminder (10 December 2009)
"The only effort to deal in some detail and in documentary form with the history of the HUAC hearings in this period is the 1976 film Hollywood on Trial."
- David Walsh: The anti-communist purge of the American film industry (4 February 2009). Review of Reynold Humphries’ book: Hollywood’s Blacklists: A Political and Cultural History (2008) + Questions and answers on the Hollywood blacklists (12 March 2009). An interview with film historian Reynold Humphries.
- Shannon Jones: Account of McCarthy period slanders socialist opponents of Stalinism (24 March 1999). Review of of Ellen Schrecker’s book: Many are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America (1998)

McCarthy on the premiere broadcast of the TV show "Face the Nation," Nov. 7, 1954 (CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images)


Sites and encyclopedia’s

McCarthyism and the Movies
"This web site is attempting to catalog and review some of the movies that were influenced by the events surrounding Senator Joe McCarthy and by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)."

Modern American Poetry
About McCarthyism. Prepared and compiled by Cary Nelson and Ellen Schrecker.
Communism and national security: The manace emerges, by Ellen Schrecker; The growth of the anti-communist network, by Ellen Schrecker; The state steps in: Setting the anti-communist agenda, by Ellen Schrecker; Congressional Committees and unfriendly witnesses, by Ellen Schrecker; On Joe McCarthy, by Richard Rovere; Telegram from Joseph McCarthy to president Harry Truman (February 11, 1950); Naming names: The social costs of McCarthyism, by Victor Navasky; The Hollywood blacklist, by Dan Georgakas; Blacklists and other economic sanctions, by Ellen Schrecker; Judicial treatment of nonconformists, by William O. Douglas; The legacy of McCarthyism, by Ellen Schrecker + External Links.

Spartacus Educational
- Section: McCarthyism: Events, Issues & Organizations

United States Congress
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
Committee Prints, 107th Congress: McCarthy Hearings 1953-54 (Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, Vol. 1-5). Scroll ned.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joseph McCarthy


The Hollywood Ten. See link on Modkraft Timeline: 25 November 1947


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