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George Orwell
29. april 2013 - 23:45

Hyldest til Catalonien / Homage to Catalonia

75 års dagen for udgivelsen af George Orwell's erindringer fra Den Spanske Borgerkrig

For 75 års siden fik George Orwell udgivet erindringerne om Den Spanske Borgerkrig: Hyldest til Catalonien

April 25, 1938 is the copyright date of George Orwell's  personal account of the Spanish Civil War: Homage to Catalonia 

Se links på tidslinjen 25. april 1938 / See links on Timeline for April 25, 1938



Se også vores omfattende linksamling om Den spanske borgerkrig og revolution 1936-39 (in Scandinavian only)

See also our comprehensive collection of links on The Spanish Civil War and Revolution 1936-1939 (In English)



(Source to book covers below: JBbTC 37: Homage to Catalonia pt.2. (December 20, 2010 by jmacphee, Judging Books by Their Covers)

See also on other covers: JBbTC 36: Homage to Catalonia pt. 1

 Early Penguin (early 1960s? (designed by Romek Marber in 1961 and used on almost all Penguin titles from 1961-64)
Front cover for "Homage to Catalonia" (1938) written by George Orwell.
Penguin 1969-edition
Cover from Mariner Books, 1969
Penguin edition from 1981
1987 Penguin edition; illustration by Christopher Corr
Penguin edition, late 80s (?) (part of the "Modern Classics" series)
Penguin 90s cover design experiments
Penguin Modern Classics with silver band; illustration is a re-purposing of Joàn Miró's famous 1937 print/poster calling for international aid to revolutionary Spain.

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