Linksamling om den antifascistiske mobilisering i Østlondon for 80 år siden i 1936.
Link collection on the anti-fascist mobilisation in East London 80 years ago.
For 80 år siden arrangerede det britiske fascistparti, British Union of Fascists (BUF), under ledelse af Oswald Mosley, en march gennem indvandrerkvarter i Østlondon, der i Cable Street blev mødt af en større moddemonstration på mindst 20.000, og selvom ca. 6.000 politibetjente beskyttede de 2-3.000 fascister, og angreb mobiliseringen, blev marchen forhindret og stoppet! Og bl.a. derfor svandt den britiske fascisme ind.
Se links på Tidslinjen, 4. oktober 1936.
Eighty years ago the british Fascist party, British Union of Fascists (BUF) under the leadership of Oswald Mosley, attempted to march through an area in East London, and app. 20,000 organised protesters blocked the march, though police trying to force it through. The march was stopped by anti-fascist groups, and that was a significant factor in the BUF's political decline of British fascists. See our link collection on Timeline October 4, 1936.
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